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Tea House Chamber Music Series: Young Pro Platform – Venture into the Unknown


Between January and April, the talented emerging musicians of Young Pro Platform – part of The Orchestra Academy Hong Kong – present four unconventional chamber music concerts in the intimate setting of the Xiqu Centre Tea House Theatre. Mixing strings, woodwind, brass and percussion, the concerts are devised for three to six players and showcase a wide spectrum of musical styles and genres, including classical, contemporary and pop music.


1月到4月,「音乐新晋荟萃」的年轻乐师将每月进驻茶馆剧场举行音乐 会,让乐迷在小巧精致的场地,近距离欣赏室乐演奏。

四场音乐会的节目,分别精选涵盖古典、现代和流行音乐等不同风格和类 型的曲目,由三重奏到六重奏,呈现各种弦乐、木管乐、铜管乐和敲击乐 乐器的配搭,让观众体验室乐的丰富层次和无穷变化。

Tea House Theatre, Xiqu Centre 戏曲中心茶馆剧场; HK$200; 7:30pm; 2200 0217; www.westkowloon.hk


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